
Tuesday, 31 May 2011

University October 2007 to May 2011

Technically my Undergraduate degree is over as of 27th May 2011...and it really scared me!

For four years I've had a purpose and an reasoning for why I am always skint, why I am not sure what I want to do with my life.."I'm a student...I'll figure it out when I've finished" comes the small panic!!

When I left for uni I was newly single, though looking back I can see I was stupidly hooked on an idiot for another 5 months.
I'm the one in the butterfly top on the end. These were 3 of my housemates...Jodi, Kayleigh and Ellen, the only one I still speak to on occasion is Ellen, who I lived with for another year in a much better house! Then I opted to live with a smelly boy! I went from growing up in the same house for 18 years, to moving to 4 different houses in 3 years!

Or I can point out this was my student card..and still has been for the past 4 years. My work-mates all couldn't believe that it was me and how much I've changed.

That sort of prompted this post, trying to work out how much I've changed! 4 years ago I was 18, destined to get a 1st in my degree and had very few close friends and smoked 20 a day...(I was very stressed!)

4 years later I'm (almost) 22, happy if I get a 2:2 in my degree, smoke 3 cigs a day and have realised that it doesnt matter how many friends I have or where they long as I have those few people I'm happy!

I also never thought I'd be happy with a guy, that I'd find someone to settle down with...I always believed I'd be the crazy cat lady...but without cats as I didn't like cats till I got 2! Did think I'd be traveling around the world but not much chance now as the ESP doesn't want me to leave him for 6 months at a time!

I think although I've changed, its something we all do, even in the space of a year...I just have a good thing to blame it on now! "its university's fault I'm like this"

Monday, 30 May 2011

IMM (#2) 30/5/11

In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren as a way of showing off our addiction to books every week. You can learn more about is here. A day late with this one but the Ever-Suffering-Partner has been keeping a watch on how many books I'm buying...He's asleep so quick post! We have the following books this week through new methods!


The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse - Robert Rankin
Daughters of Shame - Jasvinder Sanghera
Going Wrong - Ruth Rendell
I signed up to ReaditSwapit many years ago and never got anywhere with it. Decided to follow the ESP's idea of (shock horror...) getting rid of some of my books! What he didn't anticipate was I'd find a way to get rid of some books and gain more as well ;] I put up 3 text books and they all went within 24 hours and I got the 3 within a week! So now just need to do a dig and see what else I'm willing to part with...(not very much if I'm honest!) 


Not my idea of heaven - Lindsey Rosa

Proof I should not be allowed to do the food shopping alone! It was cheap and I would've come away with another 10 books as they are all on offer in Asda (hint to those interested!). Almost half way through this one and really enjoying it! 

I promise reviews will be happening soon!! Plus I have a random post about university to write...=)

Stef xx 

Sunday, 15 May 2011


So, already i've been bad at writing entries and writing reviews! So I figured I would write today about my cooking attempts!
I do love cooking and trying new recipes, I have trouble finding people to feed as the ESP (ever suffering partner) is picky about what he eats!
So yesterday I made:
Asparagus and cheese tart..I do think its more of a quiche but not sure and not bothered as long as it tastes nice! 
I also made butternut squash and chilli soup...haven't got a picture as I ate the portion before snapping....woops! I know trays very nice though.
Beginning to prep Sunday lunch soon! This is always a 3 hour cooking affair, today for ESP and his business partner.

All recipes can be found on BBCgoodfood site

Sunday, 8 May 2011

IMM 08/05/11

In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren as a way of showing off our addiction to books every week. You can learn more about is here. My darling friend Raimy has introduced me to this, plus also helped me gain all these books last week...So below we have...

Well first of all, this is my kitten Nomi who was interested in what the books were doing on the floor...she then proceeded to fall asleep on them so they may be there for a while...

The Lord of the Rings trilogy -  J. R. R. Tolkien 
The Kissing Gates - Mackenzie Ford

Both given to me by my friend Noeleen, before they went to the charity shop! Always been meaning to read the trilogy...just need to find the time!

The Second Husband - Louise Candlish
Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold
The Book of a Thousand Days - Shannon Hale
Second Hand Heart -- Catherine Ryan Hyde
Forever - Judy Blume
Twins - Marcy Dermansky
Leftovers - Laura Wiess

Very big amount bought this week! But that was because I went hunting around bargain book stores and Charity shops with Raimy! 
I tend to read Young Adult, but mainly books about real life (Reason Lord of the Rings will probably sit for years...). Jodi Picoult is my favourite author at the moment so probably why I picked up Second Hand Heart. 
I bought Judy Blume after Raimy raved about reading it, so I am under strict instructions to post it back once I have finished reading it, and apparently it is shocking I've not read Lovely Bones yet?    

Borrowed from a friend
Ballet Shoes - Noel Streatfield

Borrowed from Raimy as I was going to buy it in the shop and she pointed out I could just borrow it from her! Win! 

A very large amount of books to read, which the partner is not happy about! We now need to buy another bookcase or two next month as I had already overfilled the ones we have...(and I'm not getting rid of any!!) 

What did anyone else get? Or any recommendations on which to start with??


Wednesday, 4 May 2011

First entry

So, first blog on my super shiny smart phone...bit behind on the times since I'm so used to my simple phone!
Raimyrawr suggested I start this. Would love to be able to review books as well or.often as she does but I will give it a good go!