Friday, 23 September 2011

T.G.I.F. Friday, Sept. 23rd - Reading Challenges

Friday, Sept. 23rd - Reading Challenges: Did you sign up for any this year? How has your progression been? 

I came to the blogging party half way through the year, so I've missed out on joining any large reading Challenges.
I did set one up through my Birthday Challenges and am currently on book numbers 24 and 25 out of 100. I'm also trying to make sure I review at least 50 (currently written 10!), though this has now changed into at least do a blog post about as some are a bit too hard to review or I don't feel I can do the book justice!

I think I will start seeing what new challenges start towards the start of the next year and join in, I'd love to try and look at all the books that are based on computer games, or Zombies. I think these are an awesome niche market!

Any Reading Challenges people can advise that I should take part in? Or where I will be able to find a list?


Steffikins xx


  1. I came to the challenge game kind of late, too, but I plan to challenge myself a lot more next year. :D

    Happy TGIF!!! BTW, I'm a new follower. :D

  2. My blog is less than a month old so I definitely missed out on a lot of challenges. I set a goal for myself of 40 books this year but seeing how many books other book bloggers read I'm starting to panic a bit LOL

    Happy Friday. Here's my Friday Post

  3. Ginger has a great compilation of bookish challenges over at TGIF today to look at for next year!
